
Lord Murugan
lord murugan

Lord Murugan Download Lord Murugan

The lord is always seen with a peacock to symbolise piousness and to defeat all sexual desires and bad habits.Download Lord Murugan Wallpapers and high quality Lord Murugan HD Wallpapers full size for Desktop, Mobile & Whatsapp. His weapon is the Vel (Spear) which is also knows as Shakti, the weapon that possesses all the power transferred from his mom, Parvati. The brother of Lord Ganesha also goes by the name of Lord Subrahmanya and as Lord Karthikeya or Karthik in the Northern parts of India. So if you are searching for lord Murugan names in the Holy book Geeta or Ved so here we brought lord murugan names for baby boy in malayalam for you we hope that you will like these names.Lord Muruga, the son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, is extensively worshiped by many from all around the world. According To the Hindu’s Granth Lord, Murugan is the Son of God Shiva and his wife Goddess Parvati and he is also the elder brother of Lord Ganesha. We all know that Lord Murugan is the most worshiped Lord in the Hindu Religious.

Having destroyed Taraksur on the seventh day of his birth, he is often recollected as the most masculine and courageous among all the Hindu Gods. The Lord Murugan statute was unveiled in January 2006 during the Thaipusam festival.Karthikeya represents strength, courage and valour and one who worships Him can get rid of all his woes and emerge with strength. They carried out the construction for three years. The construction of the statue required the skilled work of 15 sculptors form India. Construction of the Statue.

Subramanya Swamy Temple at Thiruparankunram. He is believed to be the son of divine couple Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati and younger brother of Lord Ganesha.Lord Murugans Aarupadai Veedu. He is referred by names such as Murugan, Skanda, Kumara, Subrahmanya, Shadanana, Shanmukha, Saravana, and Guha. And one of the Arupadai Veedus (six most sacred places) of Lord Muruga.Kartikeya, also the Hindu god of war is a much-honored deity in the South of India. The most famous temple dedicated to Lord.

lord murugan

Valli stands for the Iccha Sakti—the Power of Will. “One who is full in six opulences, who has full strength, full fame, wealth, knowledge, beauty and renunciation, is Bhagavan, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead”And each face of Lord Skanda personifies one of such functions or attributes of the Almighty.(iii) In the Tamil scriptures, a detailed description of all of the faces is given.One face is shining to remove ignorance and bestow Knowledge another fulfils the desires of devotees and attends to their needs a third face bestows strength and inspiration for the performance of rituals and sacrifices a fourth brings out the inner secrets and helps the seekers of knowledge by revealing those secrets to them a fifth face has the purpose of protecting the virtuous and punishing the wicked and the sixth face stands for that function of the Lord that ignites Love and bestows happiness amongst the Jivas.Significance of Lord Murugan’s two wives:The consorts of Lord Shanmukha are Valli and Deivayanai. The sixth face characterises the spirit that confers life to all beings created by the five elements.(ii) The Sanskrit term Bhagavan means one who is possessed of the six godly attributes. He is also known as Arumuga (Six faces) for this reason.(i) Five, one element each: Ether, air, fire, water and earth.

That type is represented by Deivayanai, whom Subrahmanya married in the regular orthodox way. One type consists of those who rigidly and sincerely observe the injunctions and follow the teachings of the Vedic scriptures and are thus the followers of Vaidika Karmas. Hence, having the two horns of Vairagya and Viveka, the Jiva, Valli, got herself finally rescued from the clutches of Maya—represented by her parents and other obstacles—and finally established herself in union with Lord Subrahmanya, the Supreme Abode of Bliss.The two wives, Deivayanai and Valli, also symbolise the two types of devotees among those who strive for Moksha or Liberation through union or oneness with the Supreme. To rescue this ignorant Jiva wandering in the wilderness, the Guru appears in the form of Rishi Narada by whose help the wedding takes place between Valli and Lord Karttik, i.e., the holy communion of the Jiva with the Supreme Brahman.As the Jiva possessed unflinching and unswerving faith in the Lord, Valli was determined to marry only Lord Shanmukha and was able to realise her ambition in spite of the many obstructions. The separated Jiva roams in the wilderness of the forest of this world, due to the force of Avidya (ignorance). Valli represents the Jiva that has been separated from its original abode, eternal bliss, Paramatman, who is Lord Subrahmanya.

lord murugan

The annual Thaipusam festival celebrates the occasion when Murugan received the divine Vel from his mother. The Vel became the symbol of valour, and of the triumph of good over evil.The Vel, as a symbol of Murugan’s divinity, is an object of worship many temples of Lord Muruga. Murugan, henceforth, had the peacock as His vahanam and the rooster became the emblem on His battle flag. Muruga, too keen for the deception, hurled his Vel and split the mango tree in to two halves, one becoming a rooster (Cock) and the other a peacock). When a complete defeat for Soorapadman was imminent, the asura transformed himself in to a huge mango tree to evade detection by Lord Muruga.

lord muruganlord murugan